i know i have not been around much lately... i have been struggling with some health issues. just this past tuesday i had my tonsils removed. i haven't been doing much past sleeping. my hubs has been holding this place & the little girls together.
i'm very frustrated. i want to play with art supplies, but i am barely muddling through this post without my eyes rolling back into my head! there is so much life zooming by or so it seems! so right in this moment, in this day, i am being reminded to have patience with myself & those around me. so, i call upon your patience as well... to wait for the next blog post with pictures included!
before i sign off & head back to bed, i want to tell you about "art abandonment." it is this group of artists on facebook [& all over the world] who make art just to abandon it! we leave little or big bits of artsy goodness wherever we want! i am so excited to be part of this movement! i designed & printed my cards yesterday & can't wait to start abandoning pieces.
have an excellent weekend.