I am a giver. if I see something for someone that I know they’ll love, it’s hard for me not to get it for them! I don’t believe in giving gifts simply for birthdays & at christmas time… everyday of a person should be celebrated!
during the month of november, my family & I have decided to bless someone weekly… I love the smiles & happiness it evokes when we show up & say “just because...”
there was such a huge response to last week’s art piece “my cup overflows” that I picked a “winner” to receive a custom 8X10 original! I really hope when she opens her package she has a huge smile on her face!=)
my cup is still overflowing with blessings! [& a studio full of paper & paint!
now, off to create another piece! <3
hello! so glad you could drop by…
for the last month or so, I have been in a dry place. feeling as if I forgot how to create…
my aunt recently died of cancer… the day after my mom had surgery for breast cancer. when emotions are thick, I usually process with some art. melanie testa of http://melanietesta.com/ had put out the word about a project called “breast pockets” bringing awareness to breast cancer & “flatties” [women who chose not to have reconstructive surgery]. this was just what I needed to get creating. I made 2 pockets, one in memory of my aunt [tia josie] & one for my mom, who is being so brave through her whole ordeal with cancer.
[the red one is my aunt’s & the pink one is my mom’s].
[my mom, a week after her surgery].
we’re coming up on thanksgiving & my heart has been full. I just feel so blessed… that my mom made it through surgery; that the doctors are optimistic about her recovery; that I have an awesome husband; healthy, happy, little girls; a baby growing inside; an amazing, supportive, family; & a place to spread out & create!
yesterday, I cranked out this piece that summed up my feelings:
indeed it does…
have a lovely week! =)
I’m writing to you today from my cozy chair…
we got a great response on brian’s workout video on youtube & facebook. that was really awesome!=) thanks to everyone for supporting our endeavors!
today, I am featured on the Right Brain Planner’s blog. I am super excited to have my art featured! teresa has an awesome site so go check it!
hover for link ---> http://www.rightbrainplanner.com/a-way-to-let-go-be-free-in-the-moment-art-and-quotations-by-sammie/
above, is my small art journal. it is getting swollen from paint & ink! held together by binder clips & love… this is my first art journal. it contains the most painful & the most joyous contents! I was grieving the loss of my first husband, & my second husband was introduced into my life…
I hope you will visit teresa’s blog & find a bit of joy in art today.
love & peace.
for this week’s blog post, I had brian [my hubs/ personal trainer] do an exercise video.=) have fun watching it… we hope it motivates you! oh! & don't forget to drink chocolate milk afterwards! it's an excellent recovery drink!;)