I sit here in a quiet house, alone. my girls are all in school & my hubs is teaching… I was handed this amazing gift of being able to take a hiatus from teaching this year! I get to be the stay at home mama-artist! what a blessing!
today is the first day & I’m struggling. what to do? how do I break up the day into household chores & creativity? I’ve never had this opportunity, I’ve always been a working mama. I feel a little distraught, lost. I know the feeling will fade & will become comfortable in this new daily routine, but for now, I sit thinking. wishing. the whole day awaits!
today I am thankful for time… to cook, to create, to take a walk with our dog, to read, to listen to music. to maybe find more of myself…
here is a journal page from last year. just wanted to share a little {he}art. peace.
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