Monday, July 25, 2011

fear & hope.

so many things have been swirling around in my head. do you ever have trouble shutting your brain off?? I do!

lately, I have been thinking about deep issues, really pondering my emotions & life. fear & hope. I finished painting this girl saturday night. she had been in the works for over a week… she was helping me sift through my pain. the story behind her is quite deep, almost to the point where I can only “feel” it & not explain it.

moss, wash, GIRLS, ART 021

she holds fear & hope in her eyes… she’s uncertain of life & the future & you can see the fear. but she has hope in her eyes, too, & occasionally you can see flashes of it… a balance & an intertwinement.

so, in those moments when words evade me, & emotions overtake me, I have learned to use graphite & paints & papers, to communicate with myself & the world.

may the feelings of hope, rather than fear, envelope us & hold us near. ♥


  1. Sam, she's beautiful with such expressive eyes. Your words brought tears for me - you explained the fear and hope perfectly. Even her tears have one with a heart (hope.) Lovely haunting piece. Hugs, Linda

  2. I'm so glad your artwork can help you express emotions, and hope it makes you feel better Sam. It's not good to keep them bottled up, but expressing them on paper in writing or art is a soulful outlet for you I hope.

  3. Beautiful piece, Sam! I know that sharing your emotions is cathartic but how difficult it is sometimes wanting to talk about what you are going through and yet not wanting to share too much.
